I hope that everyone had a good experience at orientation. I know how tricky it can be to pick out classes and make a schedule, but in the future it will be much easier! You received (and probably felt bombarded) lots of information in a short period of time, so don't hesitate to contact me with questions. emily.quinlan@cortland.edu
I will be sending some information to you at home very shortly that will include the name of your Transfer Buddy. Every new transfer to Cortland receives a Transfer Buddy to help answer questions or to give quick tips about being new to the college. Make sure to utilize your buddy because they're here to help you if you need it.
Also, check the blog regularly for transfer news, events, and other tips!
P.S. Do you see at the top of the blog where there is a box that is followed by submit? If you enter your cortland.edu email address, you will recieve emails letting you know when the blog is updated!