Here are a few time management tips:
- Set Goals: Determine exactly what you want to accomplish.
- Prioritize: Once you know what needs to be accomplished, you must prioritize your tasks. This means figuring out which tasks are most important and which ones can be put on hold.
- Organize: Being organized will help you achieve your goals in a timely manner. You need to organize your tasks so you will know what needs to be accomplished and when they need to be accomplished. Create a weekly calendar that includes your schedule for classes, study time, social events, club meetings, exercise time, and any other time necessary to achieve your goals.
- Avoid Procrastination: Procrastination is the main downfall of achieving time management skills. If you plan on doing an activity, stick to your schedule; don't put it off until tomorrow.
- Know When You're Most Productive: Everyone has a time period during the day when they are most productive. Maybe you get more tasks accomplished in the morning than the evening or vice versa. Use the times when you have the most energy to accomplish the tasks that are more demanding, such as schoolwork.