Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

When you return from break the rest of the semester is going to fly by!  Be prepared for final exams, papers, and final projects. 

Here are a few time management tips:
  1. Set Goals: Determine exactly what you want to accomplish.
  2. Prioritize: Once you know what needs to be accomplished, you must prioritize your tasks. This means figuring out which tasks are most important and which ones can be put on hold.
  3. Organize: Being organized will help you achieve your goals in a timely manner. You need to organize your tasks so you will know what needs to be accomplished and when they need to be accomplished. Create a weekly calendar that includes your schedule for classes, study time, social events, club meetings, exercise time, and any other time necessary to achieve your goals.
  4. Avoid Procrastination: Procrastination is the main downfall of achieving time management skills. If you plan on doing an activity, stick to your schedule; don't put it off until tomorrow.
  5. Know When You're Most Productive: Everyone has a time period during the day when they are most productive. Maybe you get more tasks accomplished in the morning than the evening or vice versa. Use the times when you have the most energy to accomplish the tasks that are more demanding, such as schoolwork.
Have a great Thanksgiving break! 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Are You Experiencing Registration Errors?

Errors can occur when trying to make your course schedule and can keep you from successfully registering for classes.  Make sure to be aware of the different registration error codes that you might see.

Possible Error Codes:
  • Holds: Make sure that there are no holds on your account prior to registration
  • Section Numbers: 
    • 500's courses require SPECIAL PERMISSION (see the department chair or program coordinator)
    • 600's courses for designated majors only
    • 700's courses for non-majors only
    • 800's courses for First Year Programs, Learning Communities and other Special Populations
  • Credit Hours: You can register for a maximum of 18 credit hours.  Additional permission from you associate dean is required for anything above 18 credits.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Important Dates and Deadlines

Non-Traditional Student Week
Monday, November 7 - Friday, November 11

Cortaca Jug
Saturday, November 12 (Game played at Ithaca College)

Last day to withdraw from a semester course
Tuesday, November 15

Thanksgiving break
Wednesday, November 23-Sunday, November 27

Last day for in-class exams
Friday, December 2

All classes end
Friday, December 9

Study Days
Saturday, December 10 and Sunday, December 11

Final Exams
Monday, December 12 – Friday, December 16
