Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Withdrawing From A Class?

The deadline for withdrawing from courses is fast approaching; this year it is Friday November 15th at 4 pm.  This is the last opportunity for a student to withdraw from a semester (or second quarter) course.

Remember that the withdrawal form requires four signatures – it is important get those signatures in place quickly.

The withdrawal form is available in department offices, the associate dean’s offices and on the web:

Students should be certain to have their fully completed forms in the associate dean’s office by 4 pm on Friday the 15th.
After that date we will no longer accept course withdrawals – no exceptions!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Looking for a Scholarship?

Two Information Sessions on Wednesday, November 6

11 am – Jacobus Lounge, Brockway Hall
  and again at:
5 pm – Jacobus Lounge, Brockway Hall

• How to apply and use the system
• Essays – writing tips
• References – how to handle
• Timeline – deadlines and notifications

See you there!

Beth Langhans, Scholarship Coordinator

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mid-Semester Estimates

It's already half way through the semester! Mid-semester estimates are now available for viewing in myRedDragon.

All students should receive estimates on their progress in all courses. The three options are:
“S” - Satisfactory
“U” - Unsatisfactory
“F” - Failing
“NR” means “Not Recorded” and typically indicates that your professor did not submit estimates by the deadline. To receive your mid-semester estimates in this case, see your professor directly.
"N" Student never attended the course that was registered for.

Estimates can be helpful in gauging your success so far in the course. If you received a U or F, talk to your professor during his/her office hours about how to improve your grades.  Receiving an S indicates that you currently have a C or higher in your class.  The U indicates C- and below.
Estimates of “S,” however, can also be deceiving since you may not have had enough graded assignments in the class to accurately assign a grade. At this time of year, it is a good habit to personally assess your performance in your classes. If you have concerns in a class, even if you received an “S,” talk to your professor and consider seeking academic help through ASAP on campus.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Registration Reminders for New Transfers

Registration is right around the corner and it’s time to start thinking about your Spring 2014 schedule!  If you have questions about your CAPP, understanding your degree requirements, or using the course schedule make sure to attend the New Transfer Registration Reminders info session.

Academic advisors from the Advisement and Transition office will be available to answer questions and ease your registration concerns.

What: New Transfer Registration Reminders Info Session
When: Wednesday, October 23
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Where: Library, Room B121A (Computer lab)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Time Tickets Now Available

If you are anxiously waiting to find out when you can register for the spring 2014 semester, your wait is finally over!

To access your time ticket --> login to myRedDragon --> click the Student Tab --> find the Registrar's box (right hand side) --> click on Check Registration Status

The date and time listed on the top left box is when you will be able to begin registering for classes.  You will not be able to register for classes without your PIN.  To receive your PIN, you will need to setup an appointment and meet with your academic advisor.   

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Happy Fall Break!

Fall Break is Friday, October 4! 

 If you are sticking around and are looking for some fun and festive fall activities around the area, there is plenty to do.
Great Cortland Pumpkinfest
Saturday, October 5 - Sunday, October 6
Hollenbeck's Cider Mill
Beak & Skiff


Be safe and have fun!! 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Tell Us What You Think

Fall 2013 transfer students, we care about your success and want to hear about how your transition is going.  Please take a minute to fill out the New Transfer Survey and share your experience with us.  Your opinion matters and helps us best to assist you!

Click Here to take the New Transfer Survey

Check out Wellness Wednesday!!

New Transfers -- This is a great opportunity to become more familiar with offices and resources on campus!


Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Drop and Add will be ending on
Friday, August 30 at 4:00 p.m. 

Full semester courses cannot be added to your schedule once Drop and Add ends.  Courses removed from your schedule after 4:00p.m. on Friday will be considered a withdrawal.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Transfer Connect Events!

Welcome to SUNY Cortland!!
Don’t forget to attend the Transfer Connect events that are just around the corner!

Transfer Takeoff
Sunday, August 25, 12:30 - 2 p.m.
Newmark Pavilion (Rain Location: Sperry Lobby)
Chat with other new transfers, meet your Transfer Buddy, talk to an academic advisor, and more! 
Now is the time to get all of your questions answered before the first day of classes! 
Class Finding Tours immediately following. 

Class Finding Tours
Sunday, August 25, 2 p.m.
Depart from Newmark Pavilion (Rain Location: Sperry Lobby)
Bring your class schedule and take a guided tour of the academic buildings around campus. 
Learn where to go before the first day!

Academic Convocation
Sunday, August 25, 4 p.m.
Park Center Arena
Your official welcome to the academic community at Cortland.  A time honored event that all new students attend.  Class Finding Tours will end at Academic Convocation.

New Transfer Welcome BBQ
Friday, August 30, 4 p.m.
Quad between Residence Halls Bishop and Shea
ome meet other new transfers while enjoying a FREE BBQ dinner!   Join us for games, raffles, door  prizes, and fun!

Don't forget to contact your Transfer Buddy with questions!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Transfer Buddies!

Keep an eye on the mail because a letter with the name and contact information from your Transfer Buddy will be arriving soon!  You may have already received a message via email.  If you have questions for your buddy, don't hesitate to ask.  They want to hear from you!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Welcome to SUNY Cortland

Transferring to a new college can be tricky. After attending a Transfer Transition Seminar this summer you will have received many of the tools needed to help with your transition. However, I'm sure you'll still have plenty of questions. I'm here to help, so don't hesitate to call or email me about anything that you are unsure about.

Emily Quinlan
Coordinator of Transfer Student Support
(607) 753-4726

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Want to be a Transfer Buddy?

A great opportunity to help out new transfer students!

Transfer Buddy Expectations
  • Make initial contact with your transfer buddies prior to the start of the semester via email.  (You can provide your cell phone number, Facebook name or whatever other information you choose.  Your buddies will only be provided your cortland.edu email address.)
  • Attend Transfer Buddy Training, the Transfer Takeoff, and provide class finding tours in August and January.
  • Reach out to your buddies at least six times during the semester.  Send two emails a month to update your buddies on dates and deadlines, tips, upcoming events, advisement and class registration.
  • Promote Transfer Connect events and make sure that your buddies are aware if you will be attending.  Some events include the Transfer Takeoff and the Welcome BBQ.
  • Check your Cortland email daily.
  • Subscribe to the Transfer Student blog. 
  • If you are a buddy, make sure to respond within 24 hours
If you are interested to become a  
Transfer Buddy, email me for an application! 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

End of Semester Dates & Reminders!

Fall study abroad application deadline -- Monday, April 15

Withdrawal deadline -- Monday, April 15

Transformations: Student Research Conferences -- Friday, April 19
Sperry, 12:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Honors Convocation -- Saturday, April 20

Spring Fling! -- Saturday, April 27

All classes end -- Tuesday, May 7

Study Days! -- Wednesday, May 8 & Thursday, May 9

Final Exams -- Friday, May 10 - Wednesday, May 15

Undergraduate Commencement -- Saturday, May 18


Friday, April 5, 2013

Registration Is Underway!

10 Easy Steps for Registration

1)  Scheduling the appointment and getting prepared.  You should take responsibility to schedule an appointment with your advisor and review all relevant information prior to your appointment.  Be sure to contact your advisor to find out how to schedule an appointment.  It’s a good idea to prepare for your meeting with your advisor by creating a rough draft of your schedule, looking for conflicts, prerequisites, etc.

2)  Build a schedule from required courses using information from the Course Schedule.  From the SUNY Cortland homepage, click on Academics and find the Course Schedule link on the left.  The Course Schedule will provide the information you need; it has the most current information on course enrollments.

3)  Determine your Time-Ticket.  Your Time-Ticket is the time you are granted access to online registration.  You can find your Time-Ticket by checking your registration status on myRedDragon.

4)  Know your Registration PIN.  You will receive your registration PIN from your advisor.  You must have this PIN in order to register.  Please note that this number is different than your myRedDragon password and it will change each semester.  Graduate students do not need a registration PIN.

5)  Work with your Advisor to build an appropriate schedule.  Elements of a good schedule include:

·         Courses that meet GE, major, or other college requirements.

·         Credit hours.  As a full-time student you should have a minimum of 12 credits; if you wish to take more than 18 credits you must first receive approval from your Associate Dean.

·         Balance: type of course (variety of academic subject), day of the week (variety of days), time of day (variety of times to meet your needs)

6)  Take care of any holds.  You can determine if you have any holds by checking My Holds on myRedDragon.  You must clear up your hold with the appropriate office before you will be able to register.

7) Register!  Log on to myRedDragon when your Time-Ticket becomes active.  Select Register or Drop & Add Courses.  Enter the registration PIN that you received from your advisor.  Please see your advisor if you have lost your PIN.

8)  Enter the CRN (course reference number) for each of your course selections.  The CRN can be found through a class search as you register online.  Select Submit Courses.  Courses you successfully registered for and any errors that prevent a successful registration will then be displayed.

9)  Print your Schedule.  Now that you are registered, return to the menu, and select My Schedule to view and print your schedule.  You may also choose a grid or list format for your schedule by using those links on myRedDragon.

10) Review your printed schedule to check for accuracy.  Once registered, you may adjust your schedule on line or during Drop/Add (the first five days of the new semester).  Check your schedule again just before classes begin – times or room numbers may have changed!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Final Transfer Express Event! Join the Fun!

Mid-Semester Meltdown
Ice Cream Social
Wednesday, March 20, 1:30-3:30 pm
Colloquium, Old Main

Now is the time to take a quick break from all of the stress at
mid-semester and enjoy a treat!  Put down your books and pick up a sundae!

What relieves stress more effectively than a free sundae?

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mid-Semester Estimates

It's half way through the semester already! How are things going? Do you have a class that you are concerned about and are considering withdrawing from? Are you worried about your GPA?

Mid semester estimates are now being posted by faculty on myRedDragon. You will not receive a paper copy of your midterm grades in the mail. You are responsible for logging into myRedDragon to check your grades.

Mid semester estimates can be found under the Registrar channel on the left hand side of your student tab. When you check your mid semester estimates you will see on of three letters indicating your performance:
"S" = Satisfactory
"U" = Unsatisfactory
"F" = Failing

If you see an "NR" that means that your instructor didn't submit a grade in time to meet the deadline. Make sure to ask your professor if this happens.

If you have received an unsatisfactory grade and are concerned about it, make an appointment to see your professor or seek help through ASAP.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Spring Break

Have a safe, fun, and relaxing spring break!
Resident halls re-open Sunday, March 17 at 2pm 
Classes resume Monday, March 18 at 8am

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Transfer Connect Event Thursday, February 14

Career Services Info Session
8:30 a.m.
Thursday, February 14
Career Center Library
VanHoesen, Room B-5

John Shirley, the Director of Career Services will be presenting about resumes, cover letters, and other benefits of utilizing the Career Center.

8:30 a.m. is early, but it's good practice for when you start your career!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Check Out the Study Abroad Fair!

SUNY Cortland Study Abroad Fair
Wednesday, February 13
11 a.m - 2 p.m
Corey Union, Dragon's Court Hallway
Come find your place in the world!
One stop shopping for your perfect study abroad program!  Study abroad program leaders past participants will be available to answer questions and share their experiences.
All students interested in studying abroad are encouraged to attend.
Did you know that?
  • You can study abroad for a semester, year, summer or winter session?
  • You can study at a university abroad, intern, student teach or join a short term faculty-led program?
  • You can study through any SUNY and there are over 600 programs offered?
For more information please contact the International Programs Office, Old Main, Room 219
607-753-2209 or studyabroad@cortland.edu

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Week of Add/Drop

If you are planning to make changes to your class schedule the Add/Drop period begins Wednesday, January 23 and ends Tuesday, January 29 at 11:59 p.m.  After the web closes, you will not be able to add any more classes.

Any full term course removed from your schedule after the week of Add/Drop will be considered a withdrawal and will be indicated on your transcript.

Make sure to see your academic advisor if you have questions about your degree requirements or how to properly read and understand your CAPP report.

COR 129: Enhancing the Transfer Experience

Are you still looking for one more class to take?

COR 129: Enhancing the Transfer Experience
Tuesday/Thursday—8:30- 9:20am
January 23—March 8
1 credit, pass/fail (1st Quarter)
CRN 28319

This is a seminar course developed to assist you with your transition to SUNY Cortland. It will address academic and social expectations specific to the transfer experience. The course will assist you with:
  • Becoming familiar with SUNY Cortland’s resources
  • Comprehending academic expectations and degree requirements
  • Understanding Cortland’s academic policies and procedures
  • Learning about your academic department
  • Getting involved on campus
Class Topics:
  • Acclimating and Academics
  • Who, What, Where on Campus
  • Research and Writing
  • Study Abroad/Internships
  • Resumes & Cover Letters
  • Advising and Registration
  • Goal Setting/Academic Planning

Monday, January 21, 2013

Dates and Deadlines...

Classes Begin
Wednesday, Jan. 23
Drop/Add Period
Wed., Jan. 23 – Tues., Jan. 29
Web closes at 11:59 p.m.
Transcript Deadline
* This is the deadline to receive transcripts and have transfer credit posted to your record to impact your fall registration time.  Credit will still be posted after March 1 but your registration time will not be adjusted.
Friday, March 1
Spring Break
Monday, Mar. 11 - Friday, Mar. 15
Study Abroad Application Deadline for Fall
Monday, April 15
Spring Fling
Saturday, April 27
Last Day of Class
Tuesday, May 7
Final Exam Period
Friday, May 10 - Wed., May 15


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Welcome to SUNY Cortland!

Make sure to take advantage of Transfer Connect events beginning on Monday, January 21! 

Transfer Welcome Party
Monday, January 21, 2-3:30pm
Exhibition Lounge, Corey Union

An opportunity to hang out and meet other new transfer students, have some snacks, and relax before the start of the semester.   You will also have the chance to meet some of our Transfer Buddies! 

Class Finding Tours
Tuesday, January 22, 3:30pm
Old Main, Main Entrance

Bring your class schedule and take a guided tour of the academic buildings around campus.  Learn where to go before the first day!
